Thursday, 28 April 2011

Picture for Obi wan and Luke (tattooine)

This is the very first picture that I am uploading. Sorry if the picture wasn't clear because I'm using an outdated Sony digital camera. Hopefully the image is clear enough for description. xD
 This is the old Obi wan Kenobi. Come with set 8092: Luke's Landspeeder. The torso of this minifig is the nicest jedi robe print up to date. The face expression is kinda weird though with some printed eye-bags and some detail with the brow. 
 However, the back of this minifig has no print.
 This is Luke that comes with the same set as Obi wan Kenobi (tattoine-old) The face of this Luke with a brown brow with a chin dimple is nicer as compared to the older sets . The torso print is 'okayyyy' but the leg is special with the extension of his white robe with his boots. This makes the leg unique to this figure. 
 The back of it is the same as Obi wan with no prints.
 This is Obi wan Kenobi with gold headset. It comes with cape and hood. Some of you must be wondering where is the cape?? Actually some of my item comes with cape detached to avoid creases during shipping. This is one of them. Hence, I do not bother to attach the cape. This is the old Jedi robe print that is the same as 2007's 7665: Republic Cruiser. Oh.. i forgot to mention, this Obi wan is from the magnet set along with Vader and Chewbacca.
 This is him with hood removed to reveal his head with the gold headset. It's head is from set 7143: Jedi Starfighter.
 No back prints because supposedly covered with cape.
This is his cape! a brand new non-crease cape.

There it is. All my available LEGO minifig for sale. I might post some of my own collection in due time. 

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